Comodo Programs Manager is Comodo’s alternative to manage applications installed on your computer.
With Comodo Programs Manager you can easily check how many programs you have on your system and uninstall those you don’t plan to use anymore. The program also includes special areas for currently installed drivers and services, Windows components – which you can enable or disable on the spot – and Windows Updates.
The interface in Comodo Programs Manager is nicely designed and easy to use. The program features a menu on the left from which you can access the main functions. In Settings, you’ll find a few extra options, including an automatic backup tool that unfortunately doesn’t seem to work at the moment.
Comodo Programs Manager is a nice tool to handle installed applications on your system, but it doesn’t really add anything that you don’t already find in the standard Add/Remove functionality in the Control Panel.
Comodo Programs Manager is an alternative tool to check, manage and uninstall software on Windows.
Download Comodo Programs Manager 1.0.30 in Softonic