Revo Uninstaller is the best uninstaller we've ever seen for Windows, allowing you to remove even the most stubborn programs.
Easy to use
Using Revo Uninstaller is very simple. As soon as its installed, the main interface displays which programs are installed. Right click on the icon for options and information, or simply select the one you want to remove and Revo Uninstaller performs a very through removal process, including making a backup point in case anything goes wrong or it removes something you don't want it to.
Revo Uninstaller delves deep into your Registry to remove all entries and other temporary files that most other uninstallers leave behind. It uses a wizard approach - at each step, Revo Uninstaller prompts you to select which files you want to remove. The app also has two alternative ways of removing programs - Hunter and Drag and Drop.
Very stubborn apps
Hunter Mode is perfect for those programs that really don't want to make a move. You take the little target icon that appears on your desktop, and place it over the program you want to remove. It could be the desktop icon, the start page entry or even the folder on your C: drive and is perfect for those irritating apps that don't show up in the installed programs list. Revo Uninstaller's Drag and Drop mode is similar, but instead you drag the program item to the icon - amusingly designed as a burning fire!
There is very little to fault with Revo Uninstaller - it's a great uninstaller, and free. What more could you ask for?!
Download Revo Uninstaller 1.95 in Softonic