If Double Dragon, Outrun and Kick Off 2 all played an important part of your misspent childhood, then ScummVM is for you. Note, however, that ScummVM does not come pre-installed with games - it's strictly an emulator only and you'll have to find the RAM files for games yourself. The beauty of ScummVM is that it works for several platforms at once so no matter if you had a Spectrum, Amiga or even PSP, ScummVM will run it for you.
ScummVM works by replacing the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed. Among the systems ScummVM supports are Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Dreamcast, PocketPC, PalmOS, AmigaOS, BeOS, OS/2, PSP, PS2 and SymbianOS. Although as I said, no games come bundled with ScummVM, the developer does provide some free ones to download on the homepage, including Flight of the Amazon Queen, Lure of the Temptress and Broken Sword 1. It's a shame there aren't more than this, although you can buy most classic titles on Amazon and eBay.
The downside of ScummVM is that, in an effort to keep it flexible for cross platform use, it doesn't have a very slick interface. However, this isn't a big deal because you only use ScummVM to launch the games, not play them. The latest release of ScummVM features many back-end port improvements meaning you should find it far more stable than before.
If you hark back to the classics and don't want to mess around with several different emulators at once, then ScummVM is a great multipurpose choice.
Download ScummVM 1.5.0 in Softonic